Word on the Reef
🎧 Diving deep into the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef! 🐠 Join us as we explore marine wildlife, meet inspiring conservationists, and take action. 🪸
Word on the Reef
13. Top 8 Animals to See at the Great Barrier Reef (and Where to Find Them)
Tanya Murphy
Season 1
Episode 13
Tahn Miller is a Master Reef Guide who has spent 14 years observing and teaching people about magical creatures on the Great Barrier Reef. Join us as we swap crazy stories about close encounters with these incredible animals, while counting down the Top 8 Fantastic Beasts of the Great Barrier Reef and Where to Find Them! (JK Rowling reference, for the Muggles out there).
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- Sign the Petition, asking the Australian Government for stronger policies to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
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